Dear St. James Community,
I want to thank first and foremost, each of you, the parishioners. St. James Catholic School is not a private school, it is Catholic; but it is also a Parish School. Our diocese is unique in the vision to provide a Catholic education to every student without tuition, who participate in the stewardship way of life. Whenever I travel outside the diocese, I am reminded of the many throughout the country who are green with envy, because of the opportunities that we have here. Let us never take for granted or develop a sense of entitlement, through growing accustomed to the blessings available here.
What is stewardship that makes all of this work? Stewardship is simply justice. It is our response to God's abundant gifts to us. Whether we are old with no students in the school, young, or married with students in the school, everyone comes together as a parish family to provide this most incredible gift of a Catholic education. So I say THANK YOU--to everyone in the parish!
I want to let you know that I am excited for the bright future of St. James Catholic School! It is the stewardship of our parish, which is your response to God's gifts that are always multiplied by Him, to make possible a bright future for so many. God bless you!
In Christ's Service,
Fr. John N. Hay