Students at St. James Catholic School are taught by word and example, to truly love and respect every person. In the Catholic environment and tradition, students see that all human life, without exception, has sacred dignity. A beautiful compliment to the school environment is that the students themselves recognize that they stand out among their peers in showing compassion for the shortcomings of others. Conversely, students are taught to celebrate the diversity of gifts found in each person, and to celebrate the achievements of others because "a win for one is a win for all."
God is at the center of all that we do at St. James! Students who attend Catholic schools feel closer to their Faith, understand their beliefs, and are able to articulate the truths of the Catholic Faith. This is because Catholic schools are able to address education in its integrity, which comes from the reality that a human person is both Body and Soul (visible and invisible). Students learn that just because something is not seen, does not mean that it is not real. Realities like love and truth are not seen, but they are very real. For this reason, Catholic education is about fact-finding, but it is also about human formation. Ultimately, our life finds its origin and end in God, which is why St. Augustine said many centuries ago that "our hearts are restless until they rest in God." Students learn to understand their Faith and to be proud of their Faith, even in a world that is often hostile to belief in God.
The Catholic Church has long been the standard bearer in education. Christianity brought the idea that education is for everyone, not just for the elite. A central tenet of the Christian Faith is that every person should be able to live in the bright light of truth, in both science and religion. Since God is the source of all Truth, students in the Catholic school learn that there is no conflict between faith and reason. Understanding this reality has never been more vital than it is today. There is a cultural myth today, fabricating a conflict between religion and science, which spreads the tired old lie that the Church is the oppressor of scientific advancement. Nothing could be further from reality. The Catholic Church built western civilization and founded the university system. Although the culture tries to stifle this fact and treat the Church as "oppressive", even the most surface level investigation discovers this to be patently false. Students attending Catholic schools have the academic freedom to pursue Truth, and for this reason find themselves much better prepared for secondary school, college and life-long learning. The graduation rate of Catholic school students is exponentially higher, and they feel much more confident entering into upper-level academic environments.
Students at St. James report that the school provides a unique, hospitable, and wholesome environment. Catholic school students often convey that their school feels like an oasis- a "home away from home”- a place where classmates, faculty, and staff feel like family. Catholic education is unique in its approach in helping students discover, nourish and develop virtue.